2.2.1 Neurone


  Structure of a neurone

  1. The basic unit of the nervous system is neurone.
  2. The function of neurone is to carry impulses.
  3. Each part of s neurone plays an important role in the transmission of nervous impulses.

Neurone Part
Cell body
Controls all activities of the neurone
Transmits impulses towards a cell body
Receives impulse from other neurone and transmits them to cell body
Transmits impulses out of cell body
Myelin sheath

Speed up the transmission of impulses.
Insulator that prevents the leakage of impulses.


1.2 Scientific Investigation

Scientific Method

Scientific method is a body of technique of acquiring knowledge about the nature and its phenomena.

Basics Steps of Scientific Investigation

  1. Identifying problem
  2. Making hypothesis
  3. Plannig the investigation
  4. Identifying and Controlling Variable
  5. Conducting the experiment
  6. Collecting and recording data
  7. Analysing and interpreting data
  8. Making conclusion
  9. Preparing the report

The 2 main scientific skills

  1. Science process skill (Mental skill)
  2. Manipulative skill (Hand skill)

The 6 Science Process Skill (OCCMIP)

  1. Observation
  2. Communication
  3. Classification
  4. Measurement
  5. Inference
  6. Prediction

Examples of Manipulative Skill

  1. Handling apparatus and material correctly.
  2. Handling specimen correctly
  3. Clean apparatus correctly
  4. Storing apparatus and reagents correctly


Hypothesis is a suggested explanation for a specific phenomenon.


Inference is the act or process of deriving a conclusion based on what one already knows.


Variable is a quantity whose value may change in an experiment. It is the parameter that may influence the outcome of an experiment or the data been collected in the experiment.

2.2 Human Nervous System

Human Nervous System
1. The human nervous system is divided into
(a) Central nervous system (or CNS) – consists of the brain and spinal cord.
(b) Peripheral nervous system (or PNS) – consists of the spinal nerves and cranial nerves.
Chart showing the classification of human nervous system

Human nervous system

Central Nervous System
  1. The central nervous system is the control centre of the body.
  2. This system consists of the brain and the spinal cord.
  3. The brain controls all voluntary actions of the body like walking and talking.
  4. The spinal cord controls the reflex actions such as sneezing.

Peripheral nervous system
  1. The peripheral nervous system consists of all the nerves which connect the central nervous system to the receptor and effector located at other parts of the body.
  2. The function of the peripheral nervous system is to transmit impulses from the sensory organ through central nervous system to the effector to respond accordingly.

1.1 The Study of Biology

Biology is the study of life or living organisms.
bios - life
logy - (original: logos) which means study.

Importance of Biology

  1. better understanding on the functions of human body.
  2. better understanding on the causes of diseases and its cure.
  3. better understanding on ecology and henceimprove the management of problems related to the environment.
  4. saving animal and plant species which arefacing extinction.

Fields of Biology Research

  1. Anatomy
  2. Physiology
  3. Cell biology
  4. Molecular biology
  5. Genetics
  6. Microbiology
  7. Bacteriology Entomology
  8. Developmetal biology
  9. Ecology
  10. Zoology
  11. Botany
  12. Taxonomy
  13. Histology

Career Related to Biology

Medicine Doctor, nurse, dentist, pharmacist, veterinarian, physiotherapist
Biotechnology Biotechnologist, nutritionist, food technologist
Agriculture Estate manager, botanist, agricultural officer
Industry Research officer, scientist

Characteristic of Living Organism

Metapolism: Obtain energy for life and activities
Respiration: Breakdown food to obtain energy for growth, movement....
Nutrition: -Sources of energy and growth
-Repair dameged tissue
Locomotion: Moving from place to place (only for animal)
Reproduction: Reproduce offspring
Growth: Increasing in size
Excretion: Expelled waste from body