Question 1:
Figure 1.1 shows an experiment to study the pressure produced by metal blocks, A and B of the same mass.
Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2 shows the effect on the plasticine when metal blocks, A and B were dropped.
Figure 1.2

What is the controlled variable in this experiment? [1 mark]

Write down one observation from the result of this experiment. [1 mark]

State one inference that can be made based on the observation in Figure 1.2. [1 mark]

Based on Figure 1.2, measure and record the depth of dent A. [1 mark]

Metal block C in Figure 1.3 has the same mass as metal blocks, A and B.
Figure 1.3

Predict the depth of dent produced on the plasticine when metal block C is dropped from the same height. [1 mark]

The weight of the metal block (dropped from the same height).

The depth of dent A is more than the depth of dent B.

The surface area of A is smaller than the surface area of B.

The depth of dent A is 1 cm.

Deeper than dent A (or more than 1 cm).