(Long Questions) – Question 6

Question 6:
Diagram below shows trapezium ABCD.
(a) Calculate
(i) ∠BAC.
(ii) the length, in cm, of AD.
(b) The straight line AB is extended to B’ such that BC = B’C.
(i) Sketch the trapezium AB’CD.
(ii) Calculate the area, in cm2, of ∆BB’C.  

5 2 = 4 2 + 7 2 2( 4 )( 7 )cosBAC 25=16+4956cosBAC 56cosBAC=40 cosBAC= 40 56  BAC= cos 1 40 56    = 44 o 25'

AD sinDCA = 7 sin 115 o AD sin 44 o 25' = 7 sin 115 o ( DCA=BAC )   AD= 7 sin 115 o ×sin 44 o 25'   AD=5.406 cm


sinABC 7 = sin 44 o 25' 5 sinABC= sin 44 o 25' 5 ×7    = 78 o 28' ABC= 180 o 78 o 28' ABC= 101 o 32'( obtuse angle ) CBB'= 180 o 101 o 32'= 78 o 28' BCB'= 180 o 78 o 28' 78 o 28'= 23 o 4' Area of BB'C= 1 2 ×5×5× 23 o 4'  =4.898  cm 2