Cloud Chamber [Can detect: Alpha, Beta and Gamma]

  1. Figure above shows a simple form of cloud chamber, a device which enables the tracks of charged particles to be seen. 
  2. The felt ring round the top of the chamber is soaked in alcohol. The bottom of the chamber is cooled by 'dry ice' (solid carbon dioxide) to around -80 °C. 
  3. As the alcohol vapour spreads downward through the chamber, it is cooled beyond the point at which it would normally condense.

Alpha-particle tracks:

Thick and straight, with the occasional deflection if an alpha particle collides with an air molecule.

Beta-particle tracks:

Thin and crooked. The particles cause much less ionization and, being light, are continually being pushed off; caused by air molecules nearby.


Don't produce tracks as such. The tracks seen are those caused by electrons which have absorbed energy from photons and have escaped from atoms. Geiger-Muller Tube

[Can detect: Alpha, Beta and Gamma]

  1. The tube contains argon gas at low pressure.
  2. The end of the tube is sealed by a mica 'window' thin enough to allow alpha particles to pass into the tube as well as beta and gamma radiation.
  3. When a charged particle or gamma-radiation enters the tube, the argon gas becomes ionized. This triggers a whole avalanche of ions between the electrodes. 
  4. For a brief moment, the gas conducts and a pulse of current flows in the circuit. 
  5. The circuit includes either a scaler or a ratemeter. A scaler counts the pulses and shows the total on a display. 
  6. A ratemeter indicates the number of pulses or counts per second. The complete apparatus is often called a Geiger counter.


10.2.2 Detecting Nuclear Radiation

  1. Most methods of detecting alpha-, beta- and gamma-rays are based on the fact that these radiations have an ionizing effect.
  2. The detectors used to detect radioactive emissions include
    1. 3 Types of Radioactive Emission
    2. Characteristics of Radioactive Emission
  3. Detectors of Radiation
    1. Gold Leaf Electroscope
    2. Geiger-Muller Tube
    3. Cloud Chamber
    4. Spark-Chamber Detector
    5. Film Badge (Dosimeter)
  4. Table below shows the types of emission that can be detected by different detectors

Detectors Alpha Beta Gamma
Gold Leaf Electroscope
Geiger-Muller Tube
Cloud Chamber
Spark-Chamber Detector
Film Badge (Dosimeter)


10.2.1 Radioisotopes


  1. Isotopes are atoms of certain elements which have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons in the nucleus of the atoms.
  2. It can also be defined as atoms of certain elements with the same proton numbers but with different nucleon numbers.
  3. Isotopes have the same chemical properties but different physical properties.
  4. Table below shows the proton and nucleon number of the isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen.

ElementNameSymbolProton NumberNucleon NumberNumber of protonNumber of neutron


  1. Radioactivity is the spontaneous process of an unstable nucleus emitting radioactive emission in order to become more stable.
  2. The process is said to be spontaneous because it is neither affected by the physical condition nor the chemical composition.
  3. Decay is said to occur in the parent nucleus and produces a daughter nucleus. This is a random process, i.e. it is impossible to predict the decay of individual atoms.


Isotopes of an element that undergo radioacivity is called the radioisotopes.


10.1.1 Composition of the Nucleus

  1. You have learn in chemistry that in an atom, electrons move around a central core called the nucleus.
  2. The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons. It containing almost all the mass of the atom.
  3. The nucleus of an atom is very small compared to the size of the atom
  4. Protons and neutrons also known as nucleons.

Nuclide Notation

  1. Proton number is defined as the number of protons in a nucleus.
  2. Nucleon number is defined as the total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus. It is also known as mass number.
  3. A nuclide is a type of atom with a particular proton and nucleon number.
  4. A nuclide can be represented by a nuclide notation that shows the symbol of element, proton number and nucleon number.
  5. Figure below shows the nuclide notation of a nitrogen.


9.5.2 Combination of Logic Gates

  1. Logic gates can be combined together to perform certain tasks.
  2. The output can be determined by constructing a truth table.
Example 1:

In the combination of logic gate above, find the outputs X, Y and Z of of the inputs A and B.
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 0

Example 2:

In the combination of logic gate above, find the outputs X, Y and Z of of the inputs A and B.
0 0 1 1 1
0 1 1 0 1
1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0

Example 3:

In the combination of logic gate above, find the outputs X, Y and Z of of the inputs A and B.
0 0 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 0

Example 4:

In the combination of logic gate above, find the outputs X, Y and Z of of the inputs A and B.
0 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 1 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 1


9.5.1 Logic Gates

  1. A logic gate is a physical device that performs a logical operation on one or more logical inputs, and produces a only one logical output.
  2. The input is the signal or data that fed into a logic gate whereas the output is the result from processing the inputs by using the operation of the logic gate.
  3. The input and output can be either high (denoted by 1) or low (denoted by 0).
  4. Gates are identified by their function. The 5 basic logic gates that you need to know under SPM syllabus are
    1. the AND gate
    2. the OR gate
    3. the NOT gate
    4. the NAND gate
    5. the NOR gate
  5. Logic gates primarary work using diodes and transistors as switches.

Symbol of the Logic Gate

For each gate below, the input or inputs are on the left of the symbol. The output is on the right

The Truth Tables

  1. The function of a logic gates can be shown by using the Truth tables.
  2. A truth table lists all possible input together with the corresponding output.

AND gate


Boolean Expression:
Truth Table:
Truth Table
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1

The output is HIGH (1) only if both the inputs are HIGH (1).

OR gate


Boolean Expression:
Truth Table:
Truth Table
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1

The output is HIGH (1) only if one or more inputs are HIGH (1).

NOT gate


Boolean Expression:
X= A ¯
Truth Table:
Truth Table
0 1
1 0

The output is the opposite of the input.

NAND gate


Boolean Expression:
X= AB ¯
Truth Table:
Truth Table
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0

The output is LOW (0) only if both the inputs are HIGH (1).

NOR gate


Boolean Expression:
X= A+B ¯
Truth Table:
Truth Table
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 0

The output is HIGH (1) only if both the inputs are LOW (0).



9.4.3 Transistor as Current Amplifier

  1. The major application of a transistor is as a current amplifier.
  2. A transistor can be used to amplify ('magnify') current changes because a small change in base current produces a large change in collector current.
  3. A simple transistor amplifier circuit is shown in Figure 1 below.
    (Figure 1)
  4. The graph in Figure 2 below shows the relationship between the base current and the collector current. From the graph, we can conclude that, the collector current is directly proportional to the base current.
    (Figure 2: The collector current is directly proportional to the emitter current)
  5. Since the small change in the base current IB results in a big change in the collector current, IC, the transistor therefore function as a current amplifier.
  6. The ratio IC/IB is called the amplification factor.

  7. Figure 3 below shows another amplification circuit. In this case however, the base current is varying because of the small alternating voltage produced by the microphone.
    (Figure 3)
  8. The small changes in base current cause much larger changes in collector current.
  9. The collector circuit includes an earphone through which you would hear an amplified version of the original sound.
  10. The input capacitor passes on current changes from the microphone but blocks the steady current which might otherwise flow through the microphone from the potential divider. Such a current would upset the biasing effect of the potential divider.


9.4.2 Transistor as an Automatic Switch

  1. Transistor can be used as automatic switches.
  2. In the diagram above, the bulb is off when the collector current is off or very small. It is switched on when the collector current become large.
  3. We have learned that in a transistor, the collector current is controlled by the base current, or the base voltage.
  4. The greater the base voltage is, the greater the base current, and hence the greater the collector current.
  5. Therefore the bulb can be switched on and off by varying the voltage supplied to the base.
  6. The voltage across the base can be controlled a potential divider.
  7. According to the potential divider rule, the voltages across the resistor R1 and R2 are given by the following equations:
  8. Therefore, by varying the resistance of R1 and R2, we can control the voltage across the base V2, and hence switch the bulb on and off.


  1. A light-dependent resistor (LDR), or photoresistor, is a resistor sensitive to light.
  2. In darkness, the LDR has a resistance about 1 million Ohm.
  3. In bright light however, the resistance of the LDR falls to only a few hundred Ohms.

Light Operating Switch

  1. In a light operating switch, we connect an LDR to the potential divider.
  2. As a result, the voltage across the base vary according to the presence or absence of light.
  3. Example 1 and 2 below shows how the resistance of the LDR, the base voltage, the base current and the collector current change in different conditions.

Example 1

Bright Surrounding:
Resistance of LDR: Low
Base voltage: High
Base current: High

Collector current: High
Bulb: ON
Dark Surrounding
Resistance of LDR: High
Base voltage: Low
Base current: Low

Collector current: Low
Bulb: OFF

The bulb will be switched on when the surrounding is bright and switched off when the surrounding is dark.

Example 2

Bright Surrounding:
Resistance of LDR: Low
Base voltage: Low
Base current: Low

Collector current: Low
Bulb: OFF
Dark Surrounding
Resistance of LDR: High
Base voltage: High
Base current: Low

Collector current: High
Base current: ON

The bulb will be switched on when the surrounding is dark and switched off when the surrounding is bright.


  1. In a heat operated switch, the LDR is replaced by a thermistor.
  2. A thermistor is a resistor which its resistance changes as the temperature changes.
  3. There are 2 types of thermistor:
    1. The positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistor
    2. The negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor
  4. For the PTC thermistor, the resistance of the thermistor increases as the temperature increases whereas for the NTC thermistor, the resistance of the thermistor decreases as the temperature increases.
  5. In SPM, we assume all the thermistor used is the NTC thermistor, unless it is stated otherwise.

Heat Operated Switch

  1. The circuit of a heat operated switch is similar to the light operated switch, except that the LDR is replaced by an NTC thermistor.
  2. If heat is applied to the thermistor, its resistance drops. As a result, the base voltage will increase and the transistor is switched on and the bulb lights.

Sound Controlled Switch

  1. Figure above shows the circuit design of a sound controlled switch.
  2. The microphone is used to convert sound to electric current.
  3. The variable resistor is adjusted as such that the transistor is switched on when sound is detected by the microphone.
  4. The function of the capacitor is to prevent the direct current from the cell to flow in the base circuit.


9.4.1 Transistors

  1. A transistor is a double p-n junction semiconductor with three terminals, 
    1. the emitter (e), 
    2. the base (b) 
    3. the collector (c).
  2. Figure below shows the illustration of a transistor. It looks like a combination of 2 p-n junction diodes.
  3. In a transistor, the emitter emits charge carriers (free electrons or holes).
  4. The charge carriers move towards the base.
  5. Under certain condition, large amount of the charge carriers will pass through the thin base layer and to be collected by the collector.

Types of the Transistors

  1. There are 2 types of transistors:
    1. npn transistor
    2. pnp transistor
  2. Figure 2 below shows the illustration of the npn and pnp transistor and Figure 3 below shows the symbol of both npn and pnp transistor.
  3. For the symbol of the transistor, the arrow shows the direction of current. Take note that, for the emitter and base, the current always flow from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.

(Figure 2: Illustration of the npn and pnp transistor)

(Figure 3: Symbol of the npn and pnp transistor)

How a Transistor Work?

(Figure 4)
  1. In the Figure 4 above, there are 2 circuits in the connection:
    1. the base circuit
    2. the collector circuit
  2. The base circuit is forward bias whereas the collector circuit is reverse bias (This will be discuss in "The Connection of a Transistor").
  3. Table below shows the response of bulb 1 (B1) and bulb 2 (B2) when switch 1 (S1) and switch 2 (S2) are closed.
 Does not light up
 Does not light up
 Light up
Does not light up 
 Does not light up
 Does not light up
 Light up
Light up 

  1. From the table, we can see that, the collector circuit is controlled by the base circuit.
  2. Current will flow in collector circuit only when the base circuit is closed.

Connection of Transistor

  1. The terminals of a transistor must be connected to the terminals of a cell correctly to avoid damaging the transistor.
  2. Transistor should be connected in such a way that
    1. the emitter-base circuit is forward bias
    2. the collector-base circuit is reverse bias.


Emitter-Base: Forward Bias

Collector-Base: Reverse Bias

Connection: CORRECT


Emitter-Base: Forward Bias

Collector-Base: Reverse Bias

Connection: CORRECT


Emitter-Base: Forward Bias

Collector-Base: Forward Bias

Connection: INCORRECT


Emitter-Base: Forward Bias

Collector-Base: Forward Bias

Connection: INCORRECT

Current in a Transistor

  1. The current flows in the base, emitter and collector is called the base current (IB), the emitter current(IE) and the collector current(IC) respectively.
  2. Figure below shows the direction of the current in an npn transistor.
  3. In general, IE is related to IB and IC through the formula

IE = IB + IC

Another thing that you need to know about the 3 currents is

IE > IC > IB