Interference Pattern

Nodal Line and Anti-nodal Line

  1. An anti-node is a point of maximum amplitude where constructive interference occurs. Whereas a node is point of minimum amplitude where destructive interference occurs.
  2. The anti-nodal line joins all anti-node points. The nodal line joins all node points.

Formula for Interference

The distance between two antinode line, x, can be related to the wavelength, λ, by the follwing equation:

λ = Wavelength
a = Distance between the two wave sources
x = Distance between two successive anti-node lines or node lines
D = Distance from the wave sources to the plane where x is measured. Principle of Superposition

The principle of superposition states that where two or more waves meet, the total displacement at any point is the vector sum of the displacements that each individual wave would cause at that point.

(Meeting of two peaks)


(Meeting of a peak and a trough)

Coherent Wave

Two wave sources which are coherent have same frequency or have constant phase difference.


6.2.5 Interference

  1. The effect of superposition of two coherent waves is interference.
  2. Interference is a phenomenon of wave caused by the superposition of 2 or more coherent waves.
  3. The effect of interference can be studied using a ripple tank. Two dippers are used to produce two sources of coherent waves.
  4. Figure 3 shows the interference pattern observed.
  5. Interference can be constructive or destructive.

Constructive Interference and Anti-node

  1. In the interference of 2 waves, there are places where the 2 waves are always in phase (same phase) and the superposition of the waves produces oscillation with maximum amplitude. This is called the constructive interference.
  2. A place where constructive interference occurs is called the anti-node.

Destructive Interference and Node

  1. In the interference of 2 waves, there are also places where the 2 waves are always anti-phase (phase difference = 180°) and the superposition of the waves produces oscillation with minimum amplitude. This is called the destructive interference.
  2. A place where destructive interference occurs is called the node. Diffraction of Light Wave

Pin Hole Experiment

  1. Light is diffracted when passes through a pin hole.
  2. Diffraction pattern is made up of alternate bright and dark ring..

Single Slit Experiment

  1. Light is diffracted if it passes through a narrow slit.
  2. Diffraction pattern is made up of the bright bands and dark bands of different width.
  3. The central band is wider and brighter. The dark and bright bands of narrower width are alternatively observed on the left and right side of the central bight band.
  4. Diffraction pattern obtained will be clearer if the size of the slit decreases.
  5. Conditions for diffraction to take place are:
    1. Light source must be monochromatic. That is, the light must possess only one wavelength.
    2. Slit size must be small enough as compare with the wavelength of light.

Factors affecting the pattern of diffraction

The factors that will affect the distance between the bright bands are
  1. Size of the slit
  2. Colour of the light
  3. Distance of the screen from the slit

Experiment 1
Effect of the size of slit on diffraction pattern

The smaller the size of the slit, the greater the effect of diffraction.

Experiment 2
Effect of the colour of light  on diffraction pattern

The longer the wavelength, the greater the effect of diffraction.
(Red light has longer wavelength while purple light has shortest wavelength.)

Experiment 3
Effect of the distance of the screen from the slit  on diffraction pattern

The further the screen from the slit, the further the distance between bright bands formed on the screen.


6.2.4 Diffraction of Waves

  1. Diffraction is the spreading of a wave when it travels through an opening or a small obstacle.

  2. (Diffraction happen when waves pass through an opening)

    (Diffraction happen when waves encounter an obstacle)

  3. Characteristics of Diffracted Wave
    1. Wavelength does not change.
    2. Frequency does not change.
    3. Speed of diffracted does not change.
    4. The amplitude of the wave decreases after diffraction.

Factors Affecting the Magnitude of Diffraction

The magnitude of diffraction (or angle of diffraction) depends on
  1. The wavelength
  2. The size of the opening
Experiment 1
Shorter wavelength - The wave spreads to a smaller area

Longer wavelength - The wave spreads to a wider area

Diffraction is affected by the wavelength. The longer the wavelength, the greater the effect of diffraction

Experiment 2

Bigger opening - The wave spreads to a smaller area

Smaller opening - The wave spreads to a wider area

Diffraction is affected by the size of the opening. The smaller the size of the opening, the greater the effect of diffraction Refraction of Sound Waves

Experiment 1


The amplitude of the sound wave increases when a balloon filled with Carbon dioxide is placed between the speaker and the microphone.


  1. Carbon dioxide is denser than air.
  2. The sound wave is refracted approaching the normal when the wave propagates from the air into the balloon, and away from normal when moving out from the balloon.
  3. As a result, the balloon acts as a biconvex lens and converge the sound wave at a point.

Experiment 2


The amplitude of the sound wave decreases when a balloon filled with Carbon dioxide is placed between the speaker and the microphone.


  1. Helium gas is less dense than air.
  2. The sound wave is refracted away from the normal when the wave propagates from the air into the balloon, and closer to the normal when moving out from the balloon.
  3. As a result, the wave is diverged to a wider area and causes the amplitude of the sound wave decreases.

  4. Phenomenon Related to Refraction of Sound Wave


    The sound of a distance train is clearer at night.


    At night, the air closer to the ground is cooler than the air further from the ground.
    Sound wave travels slower in cool air. As a result, the sound wave is refracted in the path of curve towards the ground instead of spreading to a wider area (as at daytime). Refraction of Light

  1. When light travels one medium to another of differing density, its speed changes.
  2. Speed of light is higher in a medium of less density as compare with one higher density. The change in velocity of light when it travels from one media to another of different density results in the refraction phenomenon.
  3. As we have learned in form 4 chapter 5, light, the refraction of light obey the law of refraction, where sini sinr =constant



6.2.3 Refraction of Waves

Speed of Water Waves

  1. When straight waves pass from deep to shallow water, their
    1. wave-length becomes shorter
    2. speed decreases
    3. frequency remain unchanged
  2. This can be illustrated by placing a piece of rectangular Perspex of suitable thickness in the tank to reduce the local water depth.
  3. Figure below shows the wavefront diagram of the wave formed.
  4. We can see that the wavelength above the Perspex is shallower.
  5. The relationship between the speed and wavelength of the wave in deep and shallow region is given by the formula below.
  6. vd = speed of wave in deep region
    λd = speed of wave in deep region

    vs = speed of wave in deep region
    λs = speed of wave in deep region

Refraction of Waves at a Boundary

  1. Refraction is the change in direction of propagation when a wave moves from one medium to another medium.
  2. It is caused by the change of the speed of the wave when moving from one medium to another.
  3. For water waves, refraction occurs when the waves move from one region to another region of different depth.
  4. If water waves pass through a shallow region of convex shape, the waves will be converged.
  5. If water waves pass through a shallow region of concave shape, the waves will be diverged. Reflection of Sound Wave



  1. The angle of incidence, i is equal to the angle of reflection, r.
  2. Sound waves obey the law of reflection. That is, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Q & A

Why hard plywood is used?

A hard surface is a good sound reflector. Hard plywood is used so that only very little energy is lost during the reflection.

Q & A

Why mechanical stop watch is used as source of sound?

Because its sound is not loud enough to be heard directly by the observer.

Q & A

Why cardboard tube is used?

The cardboard tube is used to help to direct the incident and reflected sound waves.

Q & A

Why soft wood is used?

The soft wood can absorb any sound from the stopwatch and prevent it from reaching the observer.