5.7 SPM Practice (Long Questions 6)

Question 11 (5 marks):
Diagram 4 shows a parallelogram drawn on a Cartesian plane which represents the locations of Rahman's house, a cinema, a school and a shop.

It is given that the scale is 1 unit : 1 km.
(a) Calculate the distance, in km, between Rahman's house and the school.
(b) Find the equation of the straight line that links the school to the cinema.

2y = 3x + 15
When y = 0
3x + 15 = 0
3x = –15
x = –5

Rahman's house = (–5, 0)
School = (3, 0)

Distance, between Rahman's house and the school
= 3 – (– 5)
= 8 units
= 8 km

2y=3x+15 y= 3 2 x+ 15 2 Thus m= 3 2 At point ( 3, 0 ),  y 1 =m x 1 +c 0= 3 2 ( 3 )+c 9 2 +c=0 c= 9 2 Thus, the linear equation is y= 3 2 x 9 2 2y=3x9

Question 12 (6 marks):
Diagram 6 shows two parallel straight lines, JK and LM, drawn on a Cartesian plane.
The straight line KM is parallel to the x-axis.

Diagram 6

(a) the equation of the straight line KM,
(b) the equation of the straight line LM,
(c) the value of k.


The equation of the straight line KM is y = 3

Given, equation of JK: 2y=4x+3 y=2x+ 3 2 Thus,  m JK =2 m LM = m JK =2 y=mx+c At M( 5, 3 ) 3=2( 5 )+c 3=10+c c=7  Equation of the straight line LM is y=2x7.


Substitute ( k,0 ) into y=2x7 0=2( k )7 7=2k k= 7 2