Short Question 9 & 10

Question 9 (2 marks):
( a ) Given  C 6 n >1, list out all the  possible values of n. ( b ) Given  C y m = C y n , express y in terms of m and n.

n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

y = m + n

Question 10 (4 marks):
Danya has a home decorations shop. One day, Danya received 14 sets of cups from a supplier. Each set contained 6 pieces of cups of different colours.

Danya chooses 3 sets of cups at random to be checked.
Find the number of different ways that Danya uses to choose those sets of cups.

Danya takes a set of cups to display by arranging it in a row.
Find the number of different ways the cups can be arranged such that the blue cup is not displaced next to the red cup.

Number of different ways 3 sets of cups at random to be checked
= 14C3


Number of ways (Blue cup and red cup are next to each other)
= 5! × 2!
= 240

Number of different ways the cups can be arranged such that the blue cup is not displaced next to the red cup
= 6! – 240
= 720 – 240
= 480

Short Question 7 & 8

Question 7:
Six members of a committee of a school are to be selected from 6 male teachers, 4 female teachers and a male principal. Find the number of different committees that can be formed if
(a) the principal is the chairman of the committee,
(b) there are exactly 2 females in the committee,
(c) there are not more than 4 males in the committee.


If the principal is the chairman of the committee, the remaining number of committee is 5 members.
Hence, the number of different committees that can be formed from the remaining 6 male teachers and 4 female teachers
= 10 C 5 = 252

Exactly 2 females in the committee = 4 C 2 × 7 C 4 = 210

There are not more than 4 males in the committee = 4 males 2 females + 3 males 3 females + 2 males 4 females = 7 C 4 × 4 C 2 + 7 C 3 × 4 C 3 + 7 C 2 × 4 C 4 = 210 + 140 + 21 = 371

Question 8:
The diagram below shows five cards of different letters.
R      E      A      C      T
(a) Calculate the number of arrangements, in a row, of all the cards.
(b) Calculate the number of these arrangements in which the letters E and A are side by side.

(a) Number of arrangements = 5! = 120

Step 1
If the letters ‘’ and ‘A’ have to be placed side by side, they will be considered as one item.
Together with the letters ‘’, ‘’ and ‘’, there are altogether 4 items.

EA      R      C      T
Number of arrangements = 4!

Step 2
The letters ‘’ and ‘’ can also be arranged among themselves in their group.
Number of arrangements = 2!

Hence, number of arrangements of all the letters of the word ‘REACT’ in which the letters E and A have to be side by side
= 4! × 2!
= 24 × 2
= 48

6.1 Permutation Part 1

(A) rs Multiplication Principle/ Rule

1. If an operation can be carried out in r ways and another operation can be carried out in s ways, then the number of ways to carry out both the operations consecutively is r × s, i.e. rs.

2. The rs multiplication principle can be expanded to three or more operations. If the numbers of ways for the occurrence of events A, B and C are r, s and p respectively, the number of ways for the occurrence of all the three events consecutively is r × s × p, i.e. rsp.

Example 1:
There are 3 different roads to travel from town P to town Q and 4 different roads to travel from town Q to town R. Calculate the number of ways a person can travel from town P to town R via town Q.

3 × 4 = 12

(B) Permutations

Example 2:
Calculate each of the following.
(a) 7!
(b) 4!6!
(c) 0!5!
( d ) 7 ! 5 ! ( e ) 8 ! 4 ! ( f ) n ! ( n 2 ) ! ( g ) n ! 0 ! ( n 1 ) ! ( h ) 3 ! ( n + 1 ) ! 2 ! n !

(a) 7! = 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 5040
(b) 4!6! = (4 × 3 × 2 × 1)( 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1) = 17280
(c) 0!5! = (1)( 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1) = 120

(d) 7 ! 5 ! = 7 × 6 × 5 ! 5 ! = 7 × 6 = 42 (e) 8 ! 4 ! = 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 ! 4 ! = 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 = 1680 (f) n ! ( n 2 ) ! = n ( n 1 ) ( n 2 ) ( n 2 ) = n ( n 1 ) (g) n ! 0 ! ( n 1 ) ! = n ( n 1 ) ( 1 ) ( n 1 ) = n (h) 3 ! ( n + 1 ) ! 2 ! n ! = 3 × 2 ! ( n + 1 ) ( n ) ( n 1 ) 2 ! n ( n 1 ) = 3 ( n + 1 )

Calculator Computation: 

Short Question 1 – 3

Question 1
A group of 4 men and 3 ladies are to be seated in a row for a photographing session. If the men and ladies want to be seated alternately (man-lady-man-lady...), calculate the number of different arrangements.

The arrangements of 4 men and 3 ladies to be seated alternately are as follow:

M    L    M        M    L    M

The number of ways to arrange the seat for 4 men = 4!

The number of ways to arrange the seat for 3 ladies = 3!

Total number of different arrangements for men and ladies = 4! × 3! = 144

Question 2:
Ahmad has 6 durians, 5 watermelons and 2 papayas. If he wants to arrange these fruits in a row and the fruits of the same kind have to be grouped together, calculate the number of different arrangements. The sizes of the fruits are different.

The number of ways to arrange 3 groups of fruits that are same kind = 3!

DDDDDD      WWWWW      PP  

The number of ways to arrange 6 durians = 6!
The number of ways to arrange 5 watermelons = 5!
The number of ways to arrange 2 papayas = 2!

Therefore, the number of ways to arrange the fruits with same kind of fruits was grouped together
= 3! × 6! × 5! × 2!
= 1036800

Question 3:
Calculate the number of arrangements, without repetitions, of the letters from the word `SOMETHING' with the condition that they must begin with a vowel.

Arrangement of letters begin with vowel  O, M and I =   3 P 1 Arrangement for the rest of the letters 7! Number of arrangements  3 P 1 ×7! =15120

6.3 Combinations

6.3 Combinations
(1) The number of combinations of r objects chosen from n different objects is given by :
n C r = n ! r ! ( n r ) !
(2) A combination of r objects chosen from n different objects is a selection of a set of r objects chosen from n objects. The order of the objects in the chosen set is not taken into consideration.
N o t e : ( i ) n C 0 = 1 ( i i ) n C n = 1 ( i i i ) n C r = n C n r

Example 1:
Calculate the value of  7 C 2 7 C 2 = 7! ( 72 )! ×2! = 7! 5! ×2! = 7 ×6 ×5! 5! ×2! = 7×6 2×1 =21

Calculator Computation: 

Example 2:

There are 6 marbles, each with different colour, which are to be divided equally between 2 children. Find the number of different ways the division of the marbles can be done.
Number of ways giving 3 marbles to the first child =  6 C 3
Number of ways giving the remaining 3 marbles =  3 C 3
So, the number of different ways the division of the marbles
  = 6 C 3 × 3 C 3 = 20 × 1 = 20

6.1 Permutations Part 2

(C) Permutation of n Different Objects, Taken r at a Time

1. The number of permutations of n different objects, taken r at a time is given by:

2.  A permutation of n different objects, taken r at a time, is an arrangement of a set of r objects chosen from n objects. The order of the objects in the chosen set is taken into consideration.
3. The number of permutations of n different objects, taken all at a time, is:

Example 1:
Evaluate each of the following.
(a) 5 P 2 (b) 7 P 3 (c) 9 P 4

(a) 5 P 2 = 5 ! ( 5 2 ) ! = 5 ! 3 ! = 5 × 4 × 3 ! 3 ! = 5 × 4 = 20 (b) 7 P 3 = 7 ! ( 7 3 ) ! = 7 ! 4 ! = 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 ! 4 ! = 7 × 6 × 5 = 210 (c) 9 P 4 = 9 ! ( 9 4 ) ! = 9 ! 5 ! = 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 ! 5 ! = 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 = 3024

Calculator Computation: 

Short Question 5 – 8

Question 4:
A committee that consists of 6 members is to be selected from 5 teachers and 4 students. Find the number of different committees that can be formed if
(a) there is no restriction,
(b) the number of teachers must exceed the number of students.


Total number of committees = 5 + 4 = 9
6 members to be selected from 9 committees with no restriction
= 9 C 6 = 84

If the number of teachers must exceed the number of students, the combination = 4 teachers 2 students + 5 teachers 1 student = 5 C 4 × 4 C 2 + 5 C 5 × 4 C 1 = 30 + 4 = 34

Question 5:
A school prefect committee that consists of 6 persons is to be chosen from 6 Malays, 5 Chinese and 4 Indians. Calculate the number of different committees that can be formed if the number of Malays, Chinese and Indians must be equal.

Number of different committees that can be formed for 2 Malays, 2 Chinese and 2 Indians
= 6 C 2 × 5 C 2 × 4 C 2 = 900

Question 6:
There are 10 different flavour candies in a plastic bag.
(a) the number of ways 3 candies can be chosen from the plastic bag.
(b) the number of ways at least 8 candies can be chosen from the plastic bag.


Number of ways choosing 3 candies out of 10 candies
= 10 C 3 = 120

Number of ways choosing 8 candies =   = 10 C 8
Number of ways choosing 9 candies = 10 C 9
Number of ways choosing 10 candies = 10 C 10

Hence, number of ways of choosing at least 8 candies
= 10 C 8 + 10 C 9 + 10 C 10 = 56