Measures of Dispersion (Part 2)

Measures of Dispersion (Part 2)
7.2b Interquartile Range 1

(A) Interquartile Range of Ungrouped Data

Example 1: 
Find the interquartile range of the following data.
(a) 7, 5, 1, 3, 6, 11, 8
(b) 12, 4, 6, 18, 9, 16, 2, 14

(a) Rearrange the data according to ascending order.

Interquartile Range
= upper quartile – lower quartile
= 8 – 3
= 5 

(b) Rearrange the data according to ascending order.

Interquartile Range
= upper quartile – lower quartile
14 + 16 2 4 + 6 2
= 15 – 5
= 10

(B) Interquartile Range of Grouped Data (without Class Interval)

Example 2: 
The table below shows the marks obtained by a group of Form 4 students in school mid-term science test.

Determine the interquartile range of the distribution.

Lower quartile, Q1 = the   1 4 ( 24 ) th observation
  = the 6thobservation
  = 2

Upper quartile, Q3 = the   3 4 ( 24 ) th observation
  = the 18thobservation
  = 4

Interquartile Range
= upper quartile – lower quartile
= Q3Q1
= 4 – 2
= 2

Measures of Dispersion (Part 1)

Measures of Dispersion (Part 1)
7.2a Range
(A) Range of Ungrouped Data

Example 1:
Find the range for the set of data 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 18.

Range = largest value – smallest value
   = 18 – 2
   = 16

(B) Range of Grouped Data (with Class Interval)

Example 2:
The grouped frequency distribution was obtained from 100 students regarding the scores in their test shown as below.

Find the range of the data.

Range =midpoint of the highest class midpoint of the lowest class Range= 35+39 2 5+9 2    =377    =30

7.1c Median

7.1c Median
1. The median of a group of data refers to the value which is at the middle of the data after the data has been arranged according to grouped data and ungrouped data.

(A) Ungrouped Data

Example 1:
Find the median for each of the sets of data given below.
(a) 15, 18, 21, 25, 20, 18
(b) 13, 6, 9, 17, 11

(a) Arrange the data in the ascending order

15, 18, 18, 20, 21, 25
Median = T n + 1 2 = T 6 + 1 2 = T 3 1 2 = 18 + 20 2 = 19

(b) 6, 9, 11, 13, 17
Median = T n + 1 2 = T 5 + 1 2 = T 3 = 11

(B) Grouped Data (without Class Interval)

Example 2:
The frequency table shows the marks obtained by 40 students in a biology test.

Median = T n + 1 2 = T 40 + 1 2 = T 20 1 2 = 60 ( 20 1 2 th term is 60)

(C) Grouped Data (with Class Interval)

= median
L = Lower boundary of median class
N = Number of data
F = Total frequency before median class
fm = Total frequency in median class
c = Class size = (Upper boundary – lower boundary)

1. The median can be determined from an accumulative frequency table and the ogive.

2. The ogive is an accumulative graph; the median, quartiles and the range between quartiles can be determined from it.

Example 3:
The grouped frequency distribution was obtained from 100 students regarding the scores in their test shown as below.

Find the median.

Method 1: using formula

S t e p   1 Median class is given by  T n 2 =   T 100 2 = T 50  Median class is the class  20 24 S t e p   2 m = L + ( N 2 F f m ) c m = 19.5 + ( 100 2 33 26 ) 5 m = 19.5 + 3.269 = 22.77

7.1b Mode

7.1b Mode

Mode is the observation which has the highest frequency in a set of data.

Find the mode for each of the sets of data given below.
(a) 15, 18, 21, 25, 20, 18
(b) 3, 6, 9, 11, 17
(c) 0, 1, 2, 7, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2

(a) The mode is 18. ← (18 occurs 2 times)
(b) Does not have a mode.
(c) The modes are 1 and 2. ← (Both numbers occur 4 times)

7.1a Mean

7.1a Mean
1. The mean of the data is an average value obtained by using the formula:
Mean= Total data values Number of data

(A) Ungrouped Data

Example 1
(a) Find the mean for the set of data 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 18.

(b) A value of xis added into the above set of data, the mean for  this new data is 9.5. Determine the value of x.

x ¯ = 2 + 4 + 7 + 10 + 13 + 16 + 18 7 x ¯ = 70 7 = 10

New mean  = 9.5 70 + x 8 = 9.5 70 + x = 76 x = 6

(B) Grouped Data (Without Class Interval)

Example 2
The frequency table shows the marks obtained by 40 students in a Biology test.

Find the mean marks.

Mean marks,  x ¯ x ¯ = ( 50 ) ( 6 ) + ( 55 ) ( 8 ) + ( 60 ) ( 15 ) + ( 65 ) ( 10 ) + ( 70 ) ( 1 ) 6 + 8 + 15 + 10 + 1 x ¯ = 2360 40 = 59

(C) Grouped Data (With Class Interval)

Example 3
The grouped frequency distribution was obtained from 100 students regarding the scores in their test shown as below.

Find the mean scores.


Mid-point = 5 + 9 2 = 7 Mean scores,  x ¯ = f x f = 2290 100 = 22.9