Diffusion in Gas

Diffusion in Gas

(Diffusion in Gas)
The brown colour bromine vapour spreads evenly throughout the gas jar in a few minutes
  • Bromine vapour is made of tiny and discrete molecules that move randomly to fill up space.
  • Bromine vapour moves randomly and diffuses in all directions in air from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.
Conclusion : The rate of diffusion is highest in gas and lowest in solid.

Diffusion in Liquid

Diffusion in Liquid

(Diffusion in Liquid)
The purple colour of potassium manganate(VII) fills up the entire test tube after a few hours
  • Diffusion has taken place in the liquid.
  • The rate of diffusion of the particles in water is faster than the diffusion rate of particles in solid.
  • The occurrence of diffusion proves that potassium permanganate(VII) consist of tiny and discrete particles.

Diffusion in Solid

Diffusion in Solid

Diffusion in Solid
The blue colour of copper(II) sulphate fills up the entire test tube after a few days
  • Copper(II) sulphate crystals are made of copper(II) ions and sulphate ions which are tiny and discrete.
  • The particles in the copper(II) sulphate crystal will separate to become ions and diffuse randomly upwards until the whole agar turns blue.

Diffusion and Brownian Motion

Proof of Particle Theory of Matter - Diffusion

In SPM, you need to know
  1. diffusion is one of the proofs of the particle theory of matter.
  2. the definition of diffusion.
  3. diffusion in solid, liquid and gas
  4. factors that affect the rate of diffusion and the related experiments.

What is Diffusion?

  1. Diffusion is a process of spreading a substance from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.
  2. It occurs when the particles of the substance move through the space between the particles of another substance.
  3. Figure below shows how the bromine particles diffuse into the air.
  4. Diffusion occurs in solid, liquid and gas.
  5. The rate of diffusion is highest in gas and lowest in solid.
  6. Diffusion is proof of the particle theory of matter.
  • The rate of diffusion is highest in gas and lowest in solid.
  • Diffusion is the proof of the particle theory of matter.

Particulate Nature of Matter

  1. Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass.
  2. The particle theory of matter states that matter is made up of a large number of tiny and discrete particles.
Particle Theory of Matter:  Matter is made up of a large number of tiny and discrete particles.

Types of Particles

  1. Particles can exist as atoms, molecules or ions.
  2. Atom is the smallest, indivisible particle of an element.
  3. Molecules are particles that made up of two or more atoms.
  4. Ions are particles that carry charge.
    1. Positive ion – Cation
    2. Negative ion - Anion

Nota Ulangkaji SPM Matematik Tingkatan 4 dan Tingkatan 5

Tingkatan 4

Bab 1 Bentuk Piawai

  1. Angka Bererti
    1. Angka Bererti (Bahagian 1)
    2. Angka Bererti (Bahagian 2)
  2. Bentuk Piawai
    1. Bentuk Piawai (Bahagian 1)
    2. Bentuk Piawai (Bahagian 2)
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)

Bab 2 Ungkapan dan Persamaan Kuadratik

  1. Ungkapan Kuadratik
  2. Pemfaktoran Ungkapan Kuadratik
  3. Persamaan Kuadratik
  4. Punca Persamaan Kuadratik
  5. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 3 Set

  1. Set
  2. Subset, Set Semesta, dan Set Pelengkap
    1. Subset
    2. Set Semesta
    3. Set Pelengkap
  3. Operasi ke atas Set
    1. Persilangan Set
    2. Kesatuan Set
  4. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 4 Penaakulan Matematik

  1. Pernyataan
  2. Pengkuantiti 'Semua' dan 'Sebilangan'
  3. Operasi ke atas Pernyataan
  4. Implikasi
  5. Hujah
  6. Deduksi dan Aruhan
  7. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 5 Garis Lurus

  1. Kecerunan Garis Lurus
  2. Kecerunan Garis Lurus dalam Sistem Koordinat Cartesan
  3. Pintasan
  4. Persamaan Garis Lurus
  5. Garis Selari
  6. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 6 Statistik III

  1. Selang Kelas
  2. Mod dan Min bagi Data Terkumpul
  3. Histogram Selang Kelas Sama Saiz
  4. Poligon Kekerapan
  5. Kekerapan Longgokan
  6. Sukatan Serakan
  7. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 7 Kebarangkalian I

  1. Ruang Sampel
  2. Peristiwa
  3. Kebarangkalian suatu Peristiwa
  4. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan pendek (Kertas 1)

Bab 8 Bulatan III

  1. Tangen kepada Bulatan
  2. Sudut di antara Tangen dengan Perentas
  3. Tangen Sepunya
  4. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan pendek (Kertas 1)

Bab 9 Trigonometri II

  1. Nilai Sin θ, Kos θ, dan Tan θ (0o ≤ θ ≤ 360o)
    1. Bahagian 1
    2. Bahagian 2
  2. Graf Sinus, Kosinus, dan Tangen
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)

Bab 10 Sudut Dongakan dan Sudut Tunduk

  1. Sudut Dongakan dan Sudut Tunduk
  2. Menyelesaikan Masalah yang Melibatkan Sudut Dongakan dan Sudut Tunduk
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)

Bab 11 Garis dan Satah dalam Tiga Dimensi

  1. Sudut di antara Garis dengan Satah
  2. Sudut di antara Dua Satah

Tingkatan 5

Bab 1 Asas Nombor

  1. Nombor dalam Asas Dua, Asas Lapan, dan Asas Lima
    1. Bahagian 1
    2. Bahagian 2
    3. Bahagian 3
    4. Bahagian 4
  2. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)

Bab 2 Garf Fungsi II

  1. Graf bagi beberapa Fungsi (Bahagian 1)
  2. Graf bagi beberapa Fungsi (Bahagian 2)
  3. Penyelesaian Persamaan dengan Kaedah Graf
  4. Rantau Ketaksamaan dalam Dua Pemboleh Ubah
  5. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 3 Penjelmaan

  1. Gabungan Dua Penjelmaan
    1. Menentukan Imej suatu Objek bagi Gabungan dua Penjelmaan Isometri
    2. Menentukan Imej suatu Objek bagi Gabungan Penjelmaan yang Melibatkan (a) Dua Pembesaran, (b) Satu Pembesaran dengan Satu daripada Penjelmaan Isometri
    3. Menyatakan Koordinat-koordinat Imej bagi suatu Titik di bawah Gabungan Dua Penjelmaan
    4. Menghuraikan Gabungan Dua Penjelmaan
  2. Menyelesaikan Masalah yang Melibatkan Penjelmaan
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 4 Matriks

  1. Matriks
  2. Matriks Sama
  3. Penambahan dan Penolakan
  4. Pendaraban Matriks dengan Nombor
  5. Pendaraban Dua Matriks
  6. Matriks Identiti
  7. Matriks Songsang
  8. Penyelesaian Persamaan Linear Serentak dengan Kaedah Matriks
  9. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 5 Ubahan

  1. Ubahan Langsung
    1. Ubahan Langsung (Bahagian 1)
    2. Ubahan Langsung (Bahagian 2)
  2. Ubahan Songsang
  3. Ubahan Tercantum
  4. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)

Bab 6 Kecerunan dan Luas di bawah Graf

  1. Kuantiti yang diwakili oleh Kecerunan Graf
    1. Graf Jarak-Masa
    2. Graf Laju-Masa
  2. Kuantiti yang diwakili oleh Luas di Bawah Graf
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 7 Kebarangkalian II

  1. Kebarangkalian Suatu Peristiwa
  2. Kebarangkalian Peristiwa Pelengkap
  3. Kebarangkalian Peristiwa Bergabung
    1. Mencari Kebarangkalian Secara Menyenaraikan Kesudahan Peristiwa Bergabung
    2. Mencari Kebarangkalian Peristiwa Bergabung yang Melibatkan (a) A atau B (b) A dan B
  4. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 8 Bearing

  1. Bearing

Bab 9 Bumi sebagai Sfera

  1. Longitud
  2. Latitud
  3. Kedudukan Tempat
  4. Jarak pada Permukaan Bumi
    1. Jarak di antara dua titik diukur sepanjang bulatan agung
    2. Jarak di antara dua titik pada selarian latitud yang sama
    3. Jarak terpendek di antara dua titik 
  5. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 10 Pelan dan Dongakan

  1. Unjuran Ortogon
  2. Pelan dan Dongakan
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Nota Ulangkaji SPM Matematik Tambahan Tingkatan 4 dan Tingkatan 5

Tingkatan 4

Bab 1 Fungsi

  1. Hubungan
    1. Domain dan Kodomain
    2. Jenis Hubungan
  2. Fungsi
    1. Fungsi Sebagai Sejenis Hubungan Khas dan Tatatanda Fungsi 
    2. Domain, Kodomain, Objek, Imej dan Julat bagi Suatu Fungsi serta Fungsi Nilai Mutlak
  3. Fungsi Gubahan
    1. Cara Perbandingan
    2. Cari Fungsi Baru dengan Menggunakan Fungsi Gubahan yang diberi
  4. Fungsi Songsangan
  5. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 2 Persamaan Kuadratik

Bab 3 Fungsi Kuadratik

Bab 4 Persamaan Serentak

Bab 5 Indeks dan Logaritma

Bab 6 Geometri Koordinat

Bab 7 Statistik

  1. Sukatan Kecenderungan Memusat
    1. Min
    2. Mod
    3. Median
  2. Sukatan Serakan
    1. Julat
    2. Julat antara Kuartil (Bahagian 1)
    3. Julat antara Kuartil (Bahagian 2)
    4. Varians dan Sisihan Piawai
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 8 Sukatan Membulat

Bab 9 Pembezaan

Bab 10 Penyelesaian Segitiga

  1. Petua Sinus
  2. Petua Kosinus
  3. Luas Segitiga
  4. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 11 Nombor Indeks

  1. Nombor Indeks
  2. Indeks Gubahan
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Tingkatan 5

Bab 1 Janjang

  1. Janjang Aritmetik
    1. Mengenal pasti Janjang Aritmetik
    2. Menentukan Sebutan Tertentu dan Bilangan Sebutan dalam suatu Janjang Aritmetik
    3. Hasil Tambah Janjang Aritmetik
  2. Janjang Geometri
    1. Mengenal pasti Janjang Geometri
    2. Menentukan Sebutan Tertentu dan Bilangan Sebutan dalam suatu Janjang Geometri
    3. Hasil Tambah Janjang Geometri
    4. Hasil Tambah Janjang Geometri Sehingga Ketakterhinggaan
  3. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 2 Hukum Linear

Bab 3 Pengamiran

Bab 4 Vektor

Bab 5 Fungsi Trigonometri

  1. Sudut Positif dan Sudut Negatif dalam Darjah dan Radian
  2. Enam Fungsi Trigonometri bagi Sebarang Sudut
    1. Mentakrifkan sinus, kosinus, tan, kosek, sek dan kot
    2. Sudut Khas
  3. Graf Fungsi Sinus, Kosinus dan Tangen
    1. Graf Fungsi Sinus, Kosinus dan Tangen
    2. Melakar Graf Fungsi Trigonometri (Bahagian 1)
    3. Melakar Graf Fungsi Trigonometri (Bahagian 2)
  4. Identiti Asas
  5. Rumus bagi Sin (A ± B), Kos (A ± B), Tan (A ± B), Sin 2A, Kos 2A dan Tan 2A
  6. Menyelesaikan Persamaan Trigonometri Mudah
    1. Persamaan asas dalam sin x/ kos x/ tan x/ kosek x/ sek x/ kot x
    2. Pemfaktoran
    3. Bentuk Persamaan Kuadratik dalam sin x/ kos x/ tan x/ kosek x/ sek x/ kot x
    4. Melibatkan Rumus penambahan dan Rumus bagi Sudut Berganda)
  7. Soalan Model SPM
    1. Soalan Pendek (Kertas 1)
    2. Soalan Panjang (Kertas 2)

Bab 6 Pilir Atur dan Gabungan

Bab 7 Kebarangkalian Mudah

Bab 8 Taburan Kebarangkalian

SPM Science 2018, Paper 2 (Question 9)

[adinserter block="3"]
Question 9:
Diagram 9 shows an electromagnetic spectrum.

Diagram 9

[adinserter block="3"]
(a) Name the tool that is used to detect wave.

(b) Radioactive is one of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Label with letter R the position of radiowave spectrum in Diagram 9.

(c) State another one wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.

(d) State one advantage of using radiowave in telecommunication network.

(e) Do you agree that the use of telecommunication devises in daily life will enhance the well being of human?
Justify your answer.

[adinserter block="3"]

Position of R between 30 kHz – 300 GHz


Can move far

- Information exchange will be quicker
- Disturbs daily routines

SPM Science 2018, Paper 2 (Question 7 & 8)

[adinserter block="3"]
Question 7:
Diagram 7 shows a menu of Andrew’s breakfast.

Diagram 7

(a) Name the class of food for milk. [1 mark]

[adinserter block="3"]
Table 2 shows the calorific value for three types of food.

Table 2

(b) Andrew took 250 g of bread, 200 g of milk and 100 g of orange.
Calculate his total calories intake for breakfast. [1 mark]

[adinserter block="3"]
(c) Andrew is 15 years old, while his sister Amy is 25 years old.
Who requires a higher amount of calories daily?
Explain your answer. [2 marks]

(d) Amy did not take seafood in her diet for a long period of time.
(i) What is the health problem that she may suffer?
(ii) Explain your answer in 7(d)(i). [2 marks]

[adinserter block="3"]
(a) Class of food for milk is Protein.

Calorific value of bread = 250 × 9.4 = 2350 kJ
Calorific value of milk = 200 × 13.7 = 2740 kJ
Calorific value of orange = 100 × 1.5 = 150 kJ
Total calories intake of breakfast for Andrew = 5240 kJ

Andrew requires a higher amount of calories daily.
Boys need more calories than girls.

(d)(i) Goitre

Lack of iodine

[adinserter block="3"]
Question 8:
Diagram 8 shows the deflection of radioactive radiation by an electrical field.

Diagram 8

(a) Name the radioactive radiation P. [1 mark]

[adinserter block="3"]
(b) Radioactive radiation Q is not deflected by the electrical field.
Give a reason for the observation. [1 mark]

(c) Which radiation has
(i) the highest penetration power?
(ii) the highest ionization power? [2 marks]

(d) Name one example of radioactive substance used in medical field. [2 marks]
Explain its usage.

[adinserter block="3"]
Radiation P: Beta ray

Radioactive radiation Q is neutral to the electrical field

Gamma rays has highest penetration power

Alpha ray has highest ionization power

Used to treat cancer

SPM Biology 2018, Paper 2 (Question 7 & 8)

[adinserter block="3"]
Question 7:
Diagram 7.1 shows the parts of blood circulatory and lymphatic system in human.

Diagram 7.1 

Explain how fluid Q is formed. [4 marks]

Describe similarities and differences between fluids P and R. [10 marks]

[adinserter block="3"]
Diagram 7.2 shows a type of worm which is transmitted by mosquitoes to human. The mosquito is the vector of disease X.

Diagram 7.2 

Discuss how disease X occurs.
Suggest ways to prevent the disease. [6 marks]

[adinserter block="3"]
  • Fluid Q is the interstitial fluid / tissue fluid.
  • It is formed from blood plasma.
  • When blood flows through the capillaries, the higher blood pressure at the arterial end of the blood capillary network causes blood plasma to diffuse out into the intercellular spaces.
  • This fluid that fills the intercellular spaces is termed the interstitial fluid.

1. Both blood plasma and lymph are pale coloured fluids.
2. Both the fluids are aqueous solutions containing various types of solute molecules.
3. Like glucose, amino acids, lipids, respiratory gases and antibodies.
4. Both the fluids contain agranulocytes / lymphocytes.

[adinserter block="3"]

  • Disease X is usually called elephantiasis / filariasis.
  • The disease is caused by filarial worms which become lodged in lymph nodes and block the flow of lymph fluid.
  • The microscopic worms are spread by mosquitoes / Cules Mosquitoes.
  • The mosquitoes suck the microscopic worms when they feed on blood of an infected person.
  • The worms are then transmitted into blood of another person when the mosquito bites to suck blood.
  • The microscopic worms migrate into the lymph vessels and live in the lymph nodes. Here the worms grow, reach adulthood and breed.
  • The worms block the flow of lymph fluid, causing a higher hydrostatic pressure to build up within the lymph vessels.
  • Interstitial fluid accumulates in the intercellular spaces and cause swelling of the legs/ arms/ breast/ testicles.
  • The skin in the swollen region becomes dry and scaly and pored/ tears. The condition causes severe pain.
  • Ways to prevent the disease:
 1. Avoid being bitten by mosquitoes
 - Sleeping with mosquito netting
 - Wearing clothing to cover the body when in outdoors
 - Applying / using mosquito repellents.

2. Destroy breeding grounds of mosquitoes like preventing accumulation of water in rubbish bins and containers.

3. Kill adult mosquitoes by fumigation, mosquito larvae by spraying insecticide or petroleum oil on water surfaces of stagnant water.

[adinserter block="3"]
Question 8:
(a) The wife of a newly married couple is diagnosed with an inheritance disease. If this couple had children, the children might have genetic disorder. The doctor advised her to use some birth control methods.

Table 8.1 shows the comparison of some birth control methods.

Table 8.1

(i) Based on Table 8.1, choose the best two effective methods to prevent pregnancy.
Explain your reasons.

Beside the contraceptive methods in Table 8.1, the consumption of contraceptive pills is also being practised.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this contraceptive method.
[adinserter block="3"]
A flower is the reproductive organ for a plant. Fertilization process occurs in the ovule to form a fruit. The fruit is the ripened ovary of a flower.
Diagram 8.2 shows the process of a flower which turn into a fruit.
Diagram 8.2

Based on Diagram 8.2 explain how a fruit is formed from a flower.

[adinserter block="3"]
  • The two effective methods to prevent pregnancy are the use of intrauterine device (IUD) and tubal ligation.
  • IUD – A loop made of plastic or copper is inserted into the uterus by a doctor / trained medical nurse.

- The ovum is prevented from being fertilized by preventing the sperm from reaching the ovum.
- It is highly effective as the chance of pregnancy is only 1%.


  • Tubal ligation

- The Fallopian tube is clamped / cut and sealed in the surgical procedure
- The ovum is prevented from entering the Fallopian tube, hence there will be no fertilization
- It is very effective method as there is 0% pregnancy

[adinserter block="3"]


  • An easy method to prevent pregnancy without the use of physical devices like IUD, uterine diaphragm, condom
  • Menstrual flow is lighter
  • Menstruation becomes regular
  • Avoids menstrual cramps


  • May use vaginal bleeding / spotting
  • Missed menstrual periods
  • Dizziness, headache
  • Breast tenderness
  • Enlargement of breasts
  • Body weight gain
  • Mood swings

[adinserter block="3"]

  • During pollination, mature pollens land on stigma.
  • Each pollen contains a generative nucleus and a tube nucleus.
  • The stigma secretes sugary fluid which induces the germination of the pollen.
  • Tube nucleus directs the formation of pollen tube.
  • The tube nucleus and generative nucleus move into the pollen tube.
  • The pollen tube grows through the style and reaches the micropyle of the ovule.
  • The tube nucleus breaks down just before the pollen tube reaches the ovule.
  • The generative nucleus divides once by mitosis to form two male nuclei.
  • The pollen tube enters the ovule through the micropyle and its tio dissolves to release the two male nuclei.
  • One of the male nuclei fuses with the two haploid polar nuclei in the embryo sac to form a triploid cell called the endosperm.
  • The other male nucleus fuses with the egg cell nucleus to form the diploid zygote.
  • This phenomenon is termed double fertilization which induces the following changes and developments within the flower, resulting in the formation of fruit and seed.

- The ovary of the flower develops into the fruit.
- The ovules form the seeds.
- The zygote in the seed develops into the embryo and endosperm develops into the nutritive endosperm tissue, surrounding the embryo.
- The sepals and style dry up and form scar tissues of the fruit.
- The petals dry and wither-off.
- The flower stalk becomes the fruit stalk.