SPM Biology 2018, Paper 2 (Question 5 & 6)

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Question 6:
(a) Diagram 6.1 shows a gaseous exchange in the alveolus.

Diagram 6.1

Explain how oxygen is transported to the body tissues for cellular respiration. [4 marks]


Based on the statement above, suggest and explain how to keep our lungs healthy. [6 marks]
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Diagram 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 show the respiratory organ from two different organisms.

Explain similarities and differences in structures of the respiratory organ between the two organisms. [10 marks]

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- Oxygen gas in the alveoli is at higher partial pressure / higher concentration than in blood.

- Oxygen molecules diffuse across epithelium of alveoli and blood capillaries into blood.

- Oxygen binds with haemoglobin in the red blood cells / erythrocytes to form oxyhaemoglobin.

- The oxygenated blood is then transported from the lungs to cells of body tissues.

- In the tissues, oxyhaemoglobin dissociates into oxygen and haemoglobin.

- Oxygen diffuses down a concentration gradient across the epithelia of blood capillaries into the cells of body tissues.

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SPM Science 2018, Paper 2 (Question 5 & 6)

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Question 5:
Diagram 5 shows a schematic diagram for the inheritance of mice’s fur colour.

Diagram 5

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(a) In Diagram 5, complete the genotype of parent R and offspring S. [2 marks]

(b) Name process A. [1 mark]

(c) Based on Diagram 5, state the ratio of black fur mice to white fur mice. [1 mark]

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(d) Match the following terms with their correct definition. [2 marks]

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R : Hh
S : Hh


2 : 2

Dominant gene = Gene that shows its effect even with the presence of opposite traits gene.
Genotype = Genetic composition of an organism

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Question 6:
Diagram 6 shows the cross section of an oil palm fruit.
Diagram 6

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(a) Based on Diagram 6, state the part that contains oil with the highest quality. [1 mark]

(b) Complete the flow chart of extraction process of palm oil. [2 marks]

(c) There are several types of cooking oil in the market.
Give three reasons why you should use palm oil as your cooking oil. [3 marks]

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(a) Kernel


1. Does not contain cholesterol
2. Contain beta-carotene
3. Can prevent cancer

SPM Biology 2018, Paper 2 (Question 3 & 4)

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Question 3:
Diagram 3 shows a human digestive system.

Diagram 3 

Name gland X. [1 mark]
(ii) Bread contains starch.
Explain the role of gland X in the digestion of bread in P. [3 marks]
(iii) Explain why the process of digestion of bread does not occur in Q. [3 marks]

Name organ R. [1 mark]
(ii) A person has a gallstone as in Diagram 3. Explain the effect of this condition to the digestion of lipid in S. [2 marks]

Explain one difference in the digestion of protein that occurs in Q and S. [2 marks]

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Salivary gland

- Gland X produces saliva
- Saliva contains the salivary amylase enzyme.
- Salivary amylase hydrolyses / digests starch into maltose.

- Q (stomach) produces gastric juice.
- Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid.
- Hydrochloric acid denatures / inhibits the action of salivary amylase. (Hence the digestion of starch in bread is stopped)

Gall bladder

- Gall stone in the bile duct prevents the flow of bile from liver to duodenum.
- Bile emulsifies fat hence with the absence / lower amount of bile, the digestion of lipid is slowed down.

- In Q (stomach), protein is digested by pepsin enzyme in an acidic medium to form peptides.
- In S (duodenum), peptides are digested by trypsin enzyme in an alkaline medium to form dipeptides.

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Question 4:
Diagram 4.1 shows the gland J and adrenal glands which secrete hormones that involve in regulating the content of water and salt in blood.

Diagram 4.1

Name the hormones L and M. [2 marks]
(ii)The water content in blood is lower than the normal range.
Explain how gland J regulates the water balance in the blood. [3 marks]


Explain the action of adrenal glands to overcome the situation above in regulating the body temperature. [3 marks]
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Diagram 4.2 shows the process of haemodialysis.

Diagram 4.2

Explain what will happen if the semi-permeable tubing is straightened. [2 marks]

(d) The information below shows the symptoms of a patient with kidney failure.
  • Swelling of leg
  • Breathing difficulties due to extra fluid in lungs
  • Blood in urine
Discuss the consequences of the kidney failure to the patient. [2 marks]

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L : Antidiuretic hormone
M : Adrenaline

  • Gland J (pituitary gland) secretes excessive antidiuretic hormone (ADH).
  • ADH increases the permeability of the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts to water.
  • More water is reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate into blood and the osmotic pressure of blood is returned to normal level.
  • The adrenal glands secrete excess adrenaline.
  • Adrenaline increases the rate of conversion of glycogen into glucose.
  • Adrenaline also increases the heart rate, hence more blood sugar / glucose is provided to the muscles.
  • Metabolic rate increases and more heat is produced, hence the body temperature raises.

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  • The rate of blood dialysis will be lowered.
  • Total surface area of the tubing decreases causing less blood is treated / purified per unit time.


  • The swelling of legs is due to the accumulation of interstitial fluid in tissues of the legs as the fluid is not returned in blood stream.
  • The accumulation of interstitial fluid in the lungs causes the rate of diffusion of respiratory gases across the alveoli to be reduced, resulting in breathing difficulties.
Since the nitrogenous waste in blood are not removed through urine, glomeruli and kidney tubules are damaged resulting in bleeding.

SPM Science 2018, Paper 2 (Question 3 & 4)

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Question 3:
Diagram 3 shows two types of hair which are curly and straight hair for 30 customers at a saloon.

Diagram 3

(a) Based on Diagram 3, complete Table 1. [2 marks]

Table 1

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(b) Based on Table 1, draw a bar chart to show the number of customers against the types of hair. [2 marks]

(c) Based on bar chart in 3(b), state the type of variation. [1 mark]

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(c) Discontinuous variation

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Question 4:
Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show an experiment to study the effect of sunlight on white photographic paper coated with argentum chloride.

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(a) Based on Diagram 4.1, state the colour of the photographic paper after being exposed to sunlight. [1 mark]

(b) State one inference for your answer in 4(a). [1 mark]

(c) State the variables in this experiment. [2 marks]
(i) Manipulated variable
(ii) Responding variable

(d) State the operational definition for photographic paper. [1 mark]

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(a) Grey

Photographic paper reacts to light

Presence of sunlight

Colour change of photographic paper

Photographic paper is a paper that turns grey when exposed to sunlight

SPM Biology 2018, Paper 2 (Question 1 & 2)

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Question 1:
Diagram 1.1 shows the structure of a plant cell.

Diagram 1.1 

Name the structures C and D. [2 marks]

State the component which forms structure C. [1 mark]
(b)(ii) Draw and label the basic unit structure of the main component which is named in 1(b)(i). [2 marks]

The cell in Diagram 1.1 is immersed in distilled water for an hour.
(i) Explain what will happen to the structure B. [3 marks]
(ii) Explain why the cell does not burst. [2 marks]
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(d) Diagram 1.2 shows two examples of tissues in plants. 

Diagram 1.2 

Based on Diagram 1.2, state a characteristic of each tissue.
(i) Meristematic tissue: 
(ii) Collenchyma tissue: [2 marks]

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C : Chromosome / Chromatin
D : Rough endoplasmic reticulum

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)


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Structure B (vacuole) will swell or increase in size.
- The vacuole contains cell sap which is hypertonic (to distilled water).
- Water molecules diffuse into the cell by osmosis and fill the vacuole causing it to swell.

- Plant cells are surrounded by a strong and rigid cell wall.
- Cell wall is able to withstand the strong turgor / hydrostatic pressure that develops within the cell.

- Small-sized cells
- Dense cytoplasm / lack of vacuoles
- Large nucleus / nucleus at various stage of division / mitosis
- Undifferentiated cell
(Any one of the characteristics)

- Cell wall is not uniformly thickened
- Corners of cell have thicker cell wall
(Any one of the characteristics)

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Question 2:
Diagram 2.1 shows the foods which contain carbohydrates.

Diagram 2.1 

Based on diagram 2.1, name the type of carbohydrates in rice and honey. [2 marks]
(a)(ii) Explain why diabetic patients are advised not to consume excessive amount of rice in their daily diet. [3 marks]

Diagram 2.2 shows the formation of molecule R in milk.

Diagram 2.2

Based on the diagram 2.2, describe:
(i) the formation of molecule R. [2 marks]
(ii) the breakdown of molecule R. [2 marks]

When sucrose solution is heated with Benedict’s solution, the blue solution remains unchanged.
Explain why Benedict’s test gives negative result on sucrose. [3 marks]

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Rice : Starch
Honey : Fructose / glucose / sucrose


  • When rice is completely digested, it produces glucose.
  • Diabetic patients lack / produce lower amount of insulin hormone.
  • They are unable to convert excessive glucose into glycogen, hence the higher concentration of glucose in blood.


  • Molecule R is disaccharide.
  • It is formed when two molecules of monosaccharide are linked together by condensation reaction / with the loss of water molecule.


  • Molecule R is hydrolysed / digested by the addition of a water molecule by an enzyme.
  • To form its component monosaccharides / P and Q.


  • Sucrose is non-reducing sugar.
  • Sucrose unable to reduce the blue copper (II) ions / Cu2+ (aq) in Benedict’s solution.
  • Red copper (I) ions / Cu+ (aq) are not produced / formed.

SPM Science 2018, Paper 2 (Question 1 & 2)

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Question 1:
A student conducts an experiment to study the tensile strength of two types of substance. Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2 show the results of the experiment.

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Based on Diagram 1.1 and Diagram 1.2, name the substance which has high tensile strength. [1 mark]

State one manipulated variable for this experiment. [1 mark]

State one hypothesis for this experiment. [1 mark]

Carbon is a non-metal substance. Based on this experiment, state the operational definition for non-metal. [1 mark]

Mark (\/) the substance which has the same characteristic as the substance in Diagram 1.1. [1 mark]

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(a) Copper

(b) Types of substance

(c) Metal has high tensile strength compare to non-metal

(d) Non-metal is a substance that easily broken


SPM Science 2017, Paper 2 (Question 9)

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Question 9:
Diagram 9 shows the operational principle of a four-stroke diesel engine.

Diagram 9

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(a) Name the part K. [1 mark]

(b) Name the substance L. [1 mark]

(c) Which stroke shows that the diesel is injected into the cylinder? [1 mark]

(d) Mark (\/) in the boxes provided the characteristics of a four-stroke diesel engine. [2 marks]

(e) In your opinion, why most taxis in Malaysia use natural gas as fuel? [1 mark]

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Fuel injector


T – Power stroke


Save cost

SPM Science 2017, Paper 2 (Question 7 & 8)

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Question 7:
Diagram 7.1 shows various use of synthetic rubber.

Diagram 7.1

(a) Based on Diagram 7.1, state the major use of synthetic rubber. [1 mark]

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(b) State two characteristics of synthetic rubber which is used to make shoe soles. [2 marks]

(c) Diagram 7.2 shows the formation of vulcanised rubber.

Diagram 7.2

(i) What is process R? [1 mark]
(ii) Draw the structure of vulcanised rubber in the space provided on Diagram 7.2. [1 mark]
(iii) State one function of sulphur in the formation of vulcanised rubber. [1 mark]

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(a) Tyre

1. Heat resistant
2. Hard
3. Water resistant
(Choose any two)



To prevent rubber polymer from sliding with each other

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Question 8:
Diagram 8.1 shows word equation of the soap making process.

Diagram 8.1

(a) What is the name of the soap making process? [1 mark]

(b) Give one example of substance X. [1 mark]

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(c) Diagram 8.2 shows the structure of a soap molecule.
Name the part Y and Z in the boxes provided in Diagram 8.2 using the following words given. [2 marks]

Diagram 8.2

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(d) A student found that her clothes stained with dirt.
Arrange the following cleansing actions of soap in the correct sequence in the boxes provided. [2 marks]

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(a) Saponification

Palm oil

Y: Hydrophilic
Z: Hydrophobic


SPM Science 2017, Paper 2 (Question 5 & 6)

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Question 5:
Diagram 5.1 shows an experiment to study a fermentation process.

Diagram 5.1

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The word equation below represents the chemical reaction in Diagram 5.1.

(a) Based on the experiment,
(i) What is X?
(ii) State one characteristic of X. [2 marks]

(b) Mark (\/) on the element that can be found in X. [1 mark]

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(c) Name one substance which can be used to replace glucose solution in Diagram 5.1. [1 mark]

(d) What is the effect of excessive consumption of alcohol to organ S and T shown in Diagram 5.2? [2 marks]

Diagram 5.2

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Alcohol (Methanol/ Ethanol/ Butanol/ Pentanol/ Propanol)

Colourless/ Dissolves in water/ Flammable
(Choose one)


Any fruit juice.

Effect of excessive consumption of alcohol to organ S: Brain damage/ Imbalanced/ Blurred vision (Choose one)

Effect of excessive consumption of alcohol to organ T: Liver inflammation/ Scarring of liver/ Cirrhosis (Choose one)

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Question 6:
Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2 show food labels found on two different brands of chilli sauce.

Diagram 6.1

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Diagram 6.2

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(a) Based on Diagram 6.1 and Diagram 6.2,
(i) Which food label follows the Food Regulations 1985?
(ii) Give one reason for your answer in 6(a)(i). [2 marks]

(b)(i) Which substance is used as preservative in brand W chilli sauce?
(ii) State one function of the preservative in 6(b)(i). [2 marks]

(c) Both brands use artificial colouring in their product.
Do you agree with the use of artificial colouring in food?
Justify your answer. [2 marks]

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Chilli sauce brand V

Has expiry date.

Vinegar/ Sodium benzoate

Prevent growth of bacteria

- Make food more attractive
- Cause cancer/ Damage kidney

SPM Science 2017, Paper 2 (Question 3 & 4)

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Question 3:
A student carried out a study to determine the effect of phosphorus on the growth of orchid plants. The student used aerophonic method, by spraying different fertilisers’ solution on orchid plant P and Q twice a week.
Diagram 3 shows the result after two months.

Diagram 3

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(a) Based on your observation, state one difference between orchid plant P and Q. [1 mark]

(b) In your opinion, what type of fertiliser is used on orchid plant P and Q? [2 marks]

(c) State one hypothesis for this study. [1 mark]

(d) Predict what will happen to the orchid plant P if the student replaced the fertiliser solution with tap water for three months. [1 mark]

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Orchid plant P has more/ longer roots.

Orchid P: Fertilisers with phosphorus
Orchid Q: Fertilisers without phosphorus

Orchid plants need phosphorus for healthy growth/ more or longer roots/ big flower.

Orchid plant P growth stunted.