Bab 1 Bentuk Piawai

1.3 SPM Praktis (Soalan Pendek)
Soalan 1:
Bundarkan setiap nombor yang berikut betul kepada bilangan angka bererti yang ditunjukkan dalam kurungan, [ ].
(a)  80616 [3]
(b)  60932 [3]
(c)  0.4783 [2]
(d)  3.047 [3]
(e)  0.00567 [2]
(f)   0.05086 [3]

     (a)  80600
     (b)  60900
     (c)  0.48
     (d)  3.05
     (e)  0.0057
     (f)   0.0509

Soalan 2:
           Ungkapkan setiap yang berikut sebagai satu nombor tunggal.
           (a) 8.565 × 10-5
           (b) 1.304 × 105
           (c) 6.754 × 10-6
           (d) 1.0352 × 104

     (a)  0.00008565
     (b)  130400
     (c)  0.000006754
     (d)  10352

Soalan 3:
           Ungkapkan setiap nombor yang berikut dalam bentuk piawai.
(a)  376510
(b)  47865400
(c)  0.000507
(d)  0.00006408

           (a) 3.7651 × 105
(b) 4.78654 × 107
(c) 5.07 × 10-4
(d) 6.408 × 10-5

Soalan 4:
1.3 × 1015 + 3.2 × 1014

1.3 × 1015 + 3.2 × 1014
= 1.3 × 1015 + 0.32 × 1015
= (1.3 + 0. 32) × 1015
= 1.62 × 1015

Soalan 5:
0.0000036 – 2.1 × 10-7

0.0000036 – 2.1 × 10-7
= 3.6 × 10-6 – 2.1 × 10-7
= 3.6 × 10-6 – 0.21 × 10-6
= (3.6 - 0.21) × 10-6
= 3.39 × 10-6

Bab 1 Bentuk Piawai

1.2 Bentuk Piawai (Contoh Soalan)
Soalan 1:
Cari nilai 7.3 × 103 + 3.2 × 104, dan ungkapkan jawapan dalam bentuk piawai.
7.3 × 103 + 3.2 × 104
= 7.3 × 103 + 3.2 × 101 × 103
= [7.3 + (3.2 × 101)] × 103
= 39.3 × 103
= 3.93 × 104
Soalan 2:
Cari nilai 3.3 × 105 + 6400 dan ungkapkan jawapan dalam bentuk piawai.
= 3.3 × 105 + 6.4 × 103
= 3.3 × 101 × 101 × 103+ 6.4 × 103
= 330 × 103 + 6.4 × 103
= (330 + 6.4) × 103
= 336.4 × 103
= 3.364 × 105

Bab 1 Bentuk Piawai

1.2 Bentuk Piawai
1. Bentuk piawai ialah satu cara menulis nombor yang sangat besar atau sangat kecil dalam bentuk A × 10n, dengan 1 ≤ A ≤ 10 dan n ialah satu positif atau satu negatif integer.
Contoh 1:
           Ungkapkan setiap nombor yang berikut dalam bentuk piawai.
(a)  7244
(b)  32567
(c)  750000
(d)  0.65
(e)  0.0428
(f)   0.000369
(a)  7244 = 7.244 × 1000 = 7.244 × 103
(b)  32567 = 3.2567 × 10000 = 3.2567 × 104
(c)  750000 = 7.5 × 100000 = 7.5 × 105
(d)  0.65
=6.5× 1 10
= 6.5 × 10-1
=4.28× 1 100
= 4.28 × 10-2
=3.69× 1 10000  
= 3.69 × 10-4
Contoh 2:
Ungkapkan setiap nombor yang berikut dalam bentuk piawai.
(a)  63.4
(b)  2738
(c)  23000
(d)  428000000
(e)  0.0063
(f)   0.000000038
(a)  63.4 = 6.34 × 10
(b)  2738 = 2.738 × 1000 = 2.738 × 10
(c)  23000 = 2.3 × 10000 = 2.3 × 104
(d)  42800000 = 4.28 ×10000000 = 4.28 × 107
(e)  0.0063
=6.3× 1 1000  
= 6.3 × 10-3
(f)   0.000000038
=3.8× 1 100000000  
= 3.8 × 10-8

Bab 1 Bentuk Piawai

Angka Bererti (Bahagian 2)
1.       Melakukan penambahan, penolakan, pendaraban, dan pembahagian yang melibatkan beberapa nombor dan menyatakan jawapan dalam bentuk angka bererti tertentu.

Contoh 1:
Cari nilai bagi setiap nombor yang berikut dan memberi jawapan betul kepada 3 angka bererti.
(a)  261.9 + 75.6 × 0.7
(b)  0.062 × 30.12 + 1.268
(c)  8.608 ÷ 0.08 – 28.35
(d)  0.846 ÷ 0.4 – 0.153 × 2

(a)  261.9 + 75.6 × 0.7
= 261.9 + 52.92
= 314.82
= 315 (3 angka bererti)

(b)  0.062 × 30.12 + 1.268
= 1.86744 + 1.268
= 3.13544
= 3.14 (3 angka bererti)

(c)    8.608 ÷ 0.08 – 28.35   
= 107.6 – 28.35
= 79.25
= 79.3 (3 angka bererti)

(d)   0.846 ÷ 0.4 – 0.153 × 2 
= 2.115 – 0.306
= 1.809
= 1.81 (3 angka bererti)

Contoh 2:
Hitungkan nilai 5.33 + 0.33 × 17 dan memberi jawapan betul kepada 3 angka bererti.

5.33 + 0.33 × 17
= 5.33 + 5.61
= 10.84
= 10.8 (3 angka bererti)

Contoh 3:
Hitungkan nilai 49.3567 + 16.73 ÷ 0.5 dan memberi jawapan betul kepada 4 angka bererti.

49.3567 + 16.73 ÷ 0.5
= 49.3567 + 33.46
= 82.8167
= 82.82 (4 angka bererti)

Contoh 4:
Hitungkan nilai 3.42 ÷ 12 × 3.7 dan memberi jawapan betul kepada 4 angka bererti.

3.42 ÷ 12 × 3.7
= 1.0545
= 1.055 (4 angka bererti)

1.8.2 Lymphatic System (Structured Question 1 & 2)

Question 1:
Figure below shows part of the circulatory system and the lymphatic system in the human body.

What is fluid V? [1 mark]

What happens to the components of fluid V when it passes through the lymph node? [1 mark]

Fluid V originates from the blood.
Describe how fluid V is formed from the blood. [2 marks]

State one difference between fluid V and the blood. [1 mark]

A part of vessel T is blocked.
Explain its effect on the system in the Figure. [2 marks]

Vessel T in the leg is blocked.
What would happen to the leg? [1 mark]

The blood circulatory system and the lymphatic system function to maintain the composition of the tissue fluid.
Explain how the composition of the tissue fluid is maintained by stating the substances transported by the blood circulatory system and the lymphatic system. [3 marks]

Fluid V = Lymph

Toxic substances and pathogens are neutralized/ destroyed.

Blood plasma diffuses from the capillaries. The tissue fluid formed diffuses into the lymphatic vessels.

Fluid V does not have erythrocytes whereas blood has erythrocytes. Fluid V is clear yellowish whereas blood is red in colour.

Interstitial fluid fails to return to the blood circulatory system. Tissue fluid accumulates in the spaces between the cells.

The leg will be swollen.

Dissolved substances such as glucose and amino acids are transported in the blood circulatory system entering the body tissues forming tissue fluid. Fatty acids and glycerol are transported by the lymphatic system into the blood circulatory system. Some of the contents of the tissue fluid enter the lymphatic system and some enter the blood circulatory system at the ends of the venules.

1.8.1 The Mechanism of Blood Clotting (Structured Question 1 & 2)

Question 1:
(a)(i) Diagram below shows an electron micrograph of cellular components of human blood.

Based on Diagram I, explain how platelets help to stop bleeding when a wound occurs. [4 marks]

A blood test shows that a man’s erythrocytes count is below normal.
Explain the possible consequences of this condition on his health.
What type of food should be included in his diet to improve this condition? [8 marks]

Diagram II shows the blood circulatory system in organism P and organism Q.

Based on Diagram II:
(i) Give one example of organism P and organism Q. [2 marks]

Describe the similarities and differences between the blood circulatory system in organism P and organism Q. [6 marks]



  • Platelets clump together and produce thrombokinase.
  • Thrombokinase converts prothrombin to thrombin.
  • Thrombin converts fibrinogen (a type of soluble protein plasma) to fibrin (vitamin K is needed in the formation of prothrombin).
  • Fibrin forms a network to trap the erythrocytes
  • To form a clot


  • Less red blood cells to combine with oxygen
  • Less oxygen is transported to the body cells.
  • Less energy is produced
  • Resulting in tiredness/ pale looking appearance/ anaemia
  • Need food which is rich in iron
  • Examples: Cockles, liver, spinach


P: Fish
Q: Human being



  • Both have a closed circulation
  • Blood flows in blood vessels

1.4.2 The Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph

The Formation of the Interstitial Fluid and Lymph
1. The blood from the arteries flows at a high pressure into the blood capillaries.
2. The high hydrostatic pressure in the capillaries forces the blood plasma to 
    leak out through the capillary walls into the space between the body cells.
3. The fluids that fill up the spaces between the cells is called tissue fluid or 
    interstitial fluid.
4. The interstitial fluid is made up of water, digested food, gases, hormones, 
    waste products, and small proteins from the blood.
5. The larger molecules like erythrocytes, platelets and plasma proteins 
    cannot pass through the capillary walls. Leucocytescan squeeze into the fine 
    pores between the capillary walls and pass through it.

6. The exchange of substances between the blood capillaries and the body cells 
    occurs in the interstitial fluid.
    (a)  Nutrients and oxygen diffuse from the blood through the interstitial fluid 
         into the body cells.
    (b)  Carbon dioxide and other waste products diffuse from the body cells 
          through the interstitial fluid into the blood.
7. There are two ways the interstitial fluid is returned to the circulatory system:
    (a)  About 90% of the interstitial fluid diffuses back into the blood 
         capillaries because the pressure in the capillary end of the venule is 
         lower than the arteriole end.
    (b)  The remaining 10%of the fluid diffuses into the lymph capillaries of the 
          lymphatic system. The fluid in the lymphatic vessels is known is 
          lymphEventually, the lymph will return to the circulatory system when 
          it flows into the subclavian veins in the shoulder.

1.4 The Lymphatic System

  1. The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system, comprising a network of conduits called lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph directionally towards the heart.
  2. The lymphatic system consist of
    1. lymophatic vessels
    2. lymphatic capillaries
    3. lymph nodes
    4. spleen
    5. thymus

1.3.2 Consequences of Blood Clotting Related Problem


  1. Haemophilia is a group of hereditary genetic disorders that impair the body's ability to control blood clotting or coagulation.
  2. As a result, minor injuries and internal bleeding can results in death owing to excessive loss of blood.


  1. Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot (thrombus) inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system.
  2. When a blood vessel is injured, the body uses platelets and fibrin to form a blood clot to prevent blood loss.
  3. However, when a blood vessel is not injured, blood clots may form in the body under certain conditions such as a defective blood vessel causes the blood clotting factors to be released into the blood.
  4. When a blood clot can cause obstruction to the blood flow.
  5. If clotting occurs in the coronary artery, it is called coronary thrombosis. Coronary thrombosis can cause a heart attack.
  6. If it occurs in the artery in the brain, it will cause a stroke.
  7. Thrombosis may also cause atherosclerosis, which is the deposition of fat and cholesterol on the walls of arteries.

1.3.1 Mechanism of Blood Clotting

The figure below shows the mechanism of blood clotting.

  1. When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets will gather around the wound and coagulate.
  2. At the same time, an enzyme called thrombokinase will be released.
  3. Thrombokinase will convert the inactive prothrombin to the active thrombin.
  4. The thrombin will then catalyses the soluble fibrinogen to the insoluble fibrin.
  5. Fibrin will form a fibrous network to trap the blood cells and form the blood clot.