10.6.2 Nuclear Fission

Nuclear Reaction

  1. In a nuclear reaction, the mass of the parent particles will become less (know as mass defect). The defected mass is then converted into energy called the nuclear energy.
  2. In short, nuclear energy is the energy released owing to the defect of mass in a nuclear reaction.
  3. There are 2 types of nuclear reaction
    1. nuclear fission
    2. nuclear fusion
  4. Nuclear fission is the process of splitting nucleus into 2 smaller nuclei whereas nuclear fusion is the process which 2 small nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus.

Nuclear Fission

  1. Nuclear fission is a process involving the splitting of a heavy nucleus into two nuclei of roughly equal mass and shooting out several neutrons at the same time.
  2. Nuclear fission seldom occurs spontaneously. Usually, it occurs when the heavy nucleus is bombarded by a neutron.
  3. Fission reaction resulting from neutron absorption is called induced fission. Nuclei that undergo fission without initial neutron absorption are undergoing spontaneous fission.
  4. Two typical examples of fission reactions:

Example 1
In a nuclear reaction, the mass difference in the reaction is 1.5 x 10-8kg. Find the heat released in this reaction. [Speed of light = 3.0 x 108 ms-1]

Mass defect, m = 1.5 x 10-8kg

Heat released,
E = mc²
E = (1.5 x 10-8)(3 x 108)
E = 1.35 x 109 J

Example 2
A nuclear explosion released 8.2 x 1013 J of energy. What is the mass defect of uranium-235 in this reaction?
[Speed of light = 3.0 x 108 ms-1]



10.6.1 Nuclear Energy

  1. In a radioactive decay, one element changes into another in a process called transmutation.
  2. The mass of the daughter particles are less than that of the parent particle. This difference in mass is called mass defect or mass loss.
  3. Mass defect is the missing mass in a nuclear reaction and the missing mass will turn into thermal energy and kinetic energy of the product particles.
  4. The mass lost is converted into energy.
  5. Einstein's formula can be used to calculate the amount of nuclear energy released from the defect of the mass in a radioactive decay or nuclear reaction.

    Einstein Formula

    E = mc²

    m = mass change, in kg
    c = speed of light, in m s-1
    E = energy changed, in J Applications of Radioisotopes in Archeology

  1. In archaeology radioisotope carbon-14 is used to study and estimate the age of ancient artifacts. This method is named as the radiocarbon dating. 
  2. Radiocarbon dating can be used to estimate the age of organic materials, such as wood and leather, up to about 58,000 to 62,000 years.

A piece of wood found in a cave of an archaeology site has a carbon-14 activity 25% of the activity from a live plant. Estimate the age of the wood. [Half-life of carbon-14 = 5730 years]

100% → 50% → 25%

Carbon-14 take 2 half-life to decay from 100% to 25%, hence the age of the wood
= 2(5730)
= 11460 years Uses of Radioisotope in Agriculture

Pest Control

  1. Male insect is sterilised by exposing to radioactive radiation and then released back to the ecosystem.
  2. This can ensure that their reproducing effort do not generate new generation and hence reduces the population of the insect.


  1. The metabolism of phosphorus by plants can be studied using phosphate fertilisers that contain phosphorus-32. 
  2. A small amount of phosphorus-32 is used in fertilisers. 
  3. The radiation produced by phosphorus-32decay is detected by a Geiger-Muller counter. 
  4. This method can trace the passage of phosphate ions in plants.
  5. Carbon-14 is used to study the passage of carbon during photosynthesis in plants.

Develop New Species of Plant

  1. Radioactive radiation is targeted to the seeds of plants and hence causes mutation to the genes.
  2. By chance, this may develop some superior agricultural products.

Preserve Food

  1. The gamma rays from cobalt-60 are used to kill bacteria in food to make fresh vegetables and fruits last longer without any change in quality, flavour and texture of food.
  2. Gamma rays are used to inhibit budding in potatoes. Uses of Radioisotope in Medical


Gamma rays of cobalt-60 can be used to destroy cancer cells in patients. This treatment is known as radiotherapy.

Tracer to Detect Blood Clots or Tumour

  1. A small amount of sodium-24 is injected into the patient's body. 
  2. Radioactive imaging is then used to detect accumulation of sodium-24 and therefore detect tumours and blood clots before they become dangerous.

Sterilising Medical Instrument

  1. Gamma ray emitted from radioactive cobalt-60 can kill germs such as bacteria and fungus. 
  2. Medical instruments such as surgical equipment, syringes and bandages can be sterilised by using gamma rays.

Heart Pacemaker

(Heart Pacemaker)
  1. A heart  pacemaker is a medical device which uses electrical pulses to contract the heart muscles, and hence to regulate the beating of the heart. 
  2. Plutonium-238 in a nuclear battery is used to produce small electric shocks in the heart pacemaker. 
  3. People with irregular heartbeats need to have a heart pacemaker implanted inside their chest.

Tracer to Investigate Activities of Thyroid Glands

  1. A radioactive tracer is a substance containing a radioisotope that is used for tracking purposes.
  2. In medicine, radioactive substances are introduced into the body of patients and the radiation emitted is detected by using a gamma camera. This diagnostic process is known as radioactive imaging.
  3. In medicine, radioactive iodine-123 or iodine-125 is introduced into patient's body.
  4. The rate of accumulation of radioactive iodine in thyroid glands is measured through radioactive imaging. This is used to evaluate the function of the thyroid gland.


10.5.1 Applications of Radioisotopes

  1. There are two types of isotopes, namely
    1. the stable isotopes (non-radioactive)
    2. the non-stable isotopes (radioactive).
  2. Unstable isotopes go through radioactive decay and emit radiation and they are known as radioisotopes.
  3. Radioisotopes have many applications in the following field
    1. Industri
    2. Medical
    3. Agriculture
    4. Archeology


10.4.1 Half Life and Activities


  1. The half-life (T½ ) of a quantity subject to exponential decay is the time required for the quantity (mass, number of atom or activity) to decay to half of its initial value.
  2.  The decay curve of a radioactive source can be found experimentally - provided the activity of the source decreases over a practicable time period (minutes, hours or days for example). 
  3. The corrected count-rate is then plotted against time to give the decay curve. The half-life of the source can be found from the curve as indicated above.
(Decay Curve)

Example 1
A radioisotope has half-life of 8 hours. Initially, there were 3.6 x 1018 radioisotope atoms in a sample. How much time is taken for the number of atoms of the radioisotope to fall to 4.5 x 1017?

The sample take 3 half-life to decay from 3.6 x 1018 radioisotope atoms to 4.5 x 1017. Therefore, the time taken
t = 3T½
t = 3(8) = 24h

Example 2

The diagram shows the graph of the activity of a radioisotope, X, against time. What is the half-life of the radioactive substance?

The half-life is the time taken for the activity to decrease to become half of the initial value.

From the graph we can see that the radioisotope take 6 days for the activity to become half. Therefore

Half-life = 6 days


10.3.2 Radioactive Decay

Alpha Decay

  1. During an alpha decay, a radioactive atom X decay and emits an alpha particle ( H 2 4 e ).
  2. Atom X losses 2 neutron and 2 proton and become atom Y.


Beta decay

  1. A beta particles is an electron emitted from a nucleus.
  2. The beta particles are very small and move with very high speed.
  3. During a beta decay, a radioactive atom X decay and emits a beta particle ( e 1 0 ).
  4. One of the neutron is disintegrated to become proton and electron. The electron is emitted out from the nucleus whereas the proton stay in the nucleus.
  5. Therefore proton number increase by 1 and the nucleon number remain unchanged.

Examples of beta decay

Gamma Emission 

Gamma emission causes no change in nucleon number or proton number.


10.3.1 Radioactive Emission

3 Types of Radioactive Emission

Alpha Particle

  • carries positive charge.
  • most strongly ionizing of the nuclear radiations. 
  • least penetrating. Range in air is only a few centimetres, and can be stopped by a thick sheet of paper.

Beta Particle

  • carry a negative charge. 
  • much less ionizing than alpha emission.
  • more penetrating than alpha emission..
  • have a range of a metre or so in air,
  • can be stopped by a few millimetres of Perspex or aluminium.

Gamma Radiation

  • often emitted at the same time as an alpha or beta particle.
  • least ionizing of the nuclear radiations, 
  • most penetrating.
  • their intensity is greatly reduced by several centimetres of lead, but they are never completely absorbed.

Ionising Effect

  • All alpha, beta and gamma emission can cause ionising effect.
  • Alpha particle has high ionizing power.Beta particle has low ionizing power.
  • Gamma ray has very low ionizing power.

Penetrating Power

Deflection in Electric Field

Deflection in Magnetic Field

  • Alpha and beta emission can be deflected by a magnetic field.
  • The direction of deflection can be determined by using Fleming’s Left Hand Rule.
  • Beta particle deflected more compare to alpha particle due to its much smaller mass.


Alpha Particle
Beta Particle
Gamma Ray
Nucleus of Helium
High speed electron Electromagnetic wave
Ionizing Effect
Very weak
Absorted by Sheet of writing paper
About 5mm of aluminium
Never fully absorded. 25mm of lead reduces intensity to half
Deflection in Electric Field
Can be deflected
Can be deflected
Not deflected
Deflection in magnetic Field
Can be deflected
Can be deflected
Not deflected
Up to 10% of the speed of light
Up to 90% of the speed of light
Speed of light

Series Decay

  1. Sometimes after a radioactive decay, the daughter nuclide formed is still unstable.
  2. It will further decay into another nuclide which may also unstable.
  3. This process continues until a stable nuclide is reached. This is called a series decay.
  4. Each decay will emit either an alpha particle or a beta particle and may be gamma ray.
  5. Figure below shows a series decay started from plutonium-241 to formed Thallium-205 eventually.
(This image is created by Johantheghost under creative common licence)