6.3.1 Sound Wave

Characteristic of Sound Wave

  1. Sound wave is a series of compression and rarefaction of layers of air molecules repeatedly through space.
  2. The forward and backward vibration of the air molecules in the direction of motion of a sound wave shows that sound is a longitudinal wave.

Propagation of Sound Wave

  1. Sound wave is a mechanical wave that requires a medium for its propagation. Therefore sound wave cannot propagate in vacuum.
  2. The medium for propagation can be solid, liquid or gas.
  3. Sound waves propagate fastest in solid and slowest in gas.

Type of Sound Wave

  1. Human ear is capable of hearing sound with frequency in the range of 20Hz – 20,000Hz, and the sound wave with frequency in this range is called an audio/Sonic wave.
  2. Sound wave with frequency lower than 20Hz is called an Infrasonic Wave.
  3. Sound wave with frequency higher than 20,000Hz is called an Ultrasonic wave.

 Infrasonic Audio/Sonic  Ultrasonic 
 <20Hz  20Hz – 20000Hz  >20 kHz

Speed of Sound Wave

  1. Speed of sound wave in solids is greater than in liquids, which is greater than in gases.
  2. Speed of sound in air is not affected by pressure, but is affected by the temperature.
  3. As temperature increases, speed of sound in air (and other gases) is also increases.
  4. Sound usually travels more slowly with greater altitude, due to reduced temperature.
  5. Speed of sound can be calculated by the equation Interference of Sound Wave


  1. Figure below shows the apparatus set up to investigate the interference of sound wave.
  2. Two distanced speakers are connected to the same audio generator.
  3. A microphone is move in front of the 2 speakers from  left to right.

Alternating loud and soft sounds are detected as the microphone is moved from left to right.


Wavelength of the sound wave is given by the equation

a = Distance between two loudspeakers
x = Distance between two successive loud sound.
D = Distance between the straight line path and the two loudspeakers.

Q & A

Explain briefly why alternating loud and soft sound is detected in front of the speakers?
  1. The alternating loud and soft sounds are caused by interference of the sound wave.
  2. The loud sound corresponds to the occurrence of constructive interference.
  3. The soft sound corresponds to the occurrence of the destructive interference.

Q & A

Explain why the experiment is not suitable to be done in a lab.

Sound wave will be reflected by the wall and causes interference of reflected waves.

Q & A

How do we make sure that the sources of the sound wave are coherent?

The two loud speakers are sources of two coherent sound waves as they are connected to the same audio signal generator.